
Joe Hirsch.

Meet Joe

What important discussion or decision are you avoiding right now?

Stress. Doubt. Worry. Avoiding that discomfort is a natural response – but it’s more costly than we care to admit. Tension goes up. Trust goes down. It undermines our projects, people and priorities.

We spend more time looking for a way out instead of a way forward.

It doesn’t have to be that way.

Difficult conversations get easier when we face our feedback fears.

That’s where I come in.

As a global leadership keynote speaker on communication and team effectiveness, I’ve helped more than 30,000 people across three continents turn fear into joy by finding the will and words to transform life’s most important conversations.

From spies to school superintendents, Fortune 500 executives to NFL coaches, my forward-looking approach has been used by leaders from multiple industries to tackle tough issues with greater clarity, confidence and care.

This mission is personal for me. After resisting feedback for years, I fell into a hole. My fear of feedback strained my relationships. It damaged my reputation. And it almost cost me a job I loved.

I set out to understand the causes and consequences of these fears. What I learned changed everything – and I want to do the same for you.

Let’s make feedback fearless... together.

Joe Hirsch signature.



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T-Mobile logo.
University of Dayton logo.
Pepsico logo.
Aztrazneca logo.
Boehringer logo.
Liberty Mutual logo.
Telenor logo.
Farm Bureau logo.
Siemens logo.
Stanford Medicine logo.
Abbivie logo.
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Gates Foundation logo.
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WorkHuman logo.
T-Mobile logo.
University of Dayton logo.
Pepsico logo.
Aztrazneca logo.
Boehringer logo.
Liberty Mutual logo.
Telenor logo.
Farm Bureau logo.
Siemens logo.
Stanford Medicine logo.
Abbivie logo.
Adobe logo.
Gates Foundation logo.
Sanofi logo.
Fresenuis logo.


Core Beliefs

Joe speaking on stage.

Don't Tell

Don'T Tell

Great feedback isn’t about imposing our will on others. It’s about giving others the will to improve. Instead of telling others what’s wrong, guide them towards what’s right. The best leaders I’ve worked with don’t force a change. They provoke an insight. They treat feedback as an opportunity to expand the view of others, not enlarge their own.

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Signal Forward, Not Backward

Signal Forward, Not Backward

FEEDFORWARD™ is the process of pointing others towards a future they can still change instead of a past they can’t. The future is a place of possibility and potential. That’s exactly where leaders should be guiding these conversations about work. When people can imagine a better future, they do better work.

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Joe speaking on stage.
Joe speaking on stage.

Seek Partnership,
Not Power

Seek Partnership,
Not Power

Feedback is more than just a set of ratings and reports. It’s a relationship. And the best relationships are defined by what we do for others, not to others. When feedback becomes an exchange between partners, there’s no limit on progress.

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Strive for Candor,
not Comfort

Strive for Candor,
not Comfort

Too often, we choose our comfort over our calling. If we’re privileged to lead others, our job isn’t to make them feel good. It’s to help them do better. Good feedback should make people uncomfortable with the status quo while still providing them with a measure of comfort: We care enough about them to share this information with them.

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Joe speaking on stage.
Joe speaking on stage.

Spark Joy,
Not Fear

Spark Joy,
Not Fear

Fear fails in the modern workplace. It makes people feel depleted and defeated, not renewed and restored. When feedback activates our human desire for agency and achievement, it unlocks our deepest and most profound emotion: Joy.

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